Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Construction Update - Photo heavy

SOooo we have an update! YAY. If you're reading my home one thread you'll know that I now have Slabulicous slab! If you're not following that then this is news and I have a slab!!

Anxious for a photo?
Here is the beauty.
 I didn't realize the house will be so square :S.. Hopefully it'll look OK once the decking goes in the back.
Since then we've had all our windows delivered and timber for the frame.

These windows are for the master bedroom and ensuite. We initially thought all the master bedroom windows will be 3 seperate windows that look like the ensuite window, when it was too late, we found it it's 3 ensuite windows joint together to make one big window. So we'll get some bi-fold shutters and hopefully it'll still look OK.

These windows are all for the sides and back of house. The massive door there is the double sliding door for the back, I looove the size of them! It should really open the dining area onto the back yard to make a big indoor / outdoor living space.


The timber to be used for the frame.


And the bottom half of the frame!

Those tiles there, I thought our roof tiles had been delivered early, turns out they're the neighbors tiles sitting on our block :(

This is the nice wide entrance to the house, almost a straight line to the back door but a bit off. Not a big believer of Feng Shui etc. But it doesn't hurt to be a little precautious  :P

And this is the wide back door I was talking about. It's HUUGE. <3's it. The decking / BBQ / Fireplace will sit out there.


And that's it.
Hopefully when I head back there tonight they'll have the roof trusses on. Who knows.. maybe they'll have delivered our roof tiles now :P

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